Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sample Wording Wedding Welcome Letter


Association Cultural Arts and Part "
the index
The Theatre Writing Award
for best dramatic text

PRIZE: The winning entries will be staged.

1) The competition is open to all, regardless of age.
2) The competition aims to:
- reviving the interest in forms Italian drama of the writing;
- encouraging the spread of languages \u200b\u200bof the theater, especially among the younger generations;
- give life to a drama workshop in which aspiring young actors put selected scene in the play.
3) The competition aims to select the best opera, in Italian, original and unpublished. The author is given complete freedom to choose the kind of theatrical themes.
4) The work will provide 4 to 6 people, including at least two men.
5) The work must be in Italian, the original and ever staged.
6) The prize for first place is the representation of the work by the Cultural Association "Art Party", Cilento.
7) The prize will be awarded only if the processed selected by the Jury will meet certain criteria typical of a contemporary theater essential (eg the possibility of staging focuses on capacity actorial, then setting a minimum and not decisive, a small or a total absence of effects - such as theater lights - adaptability to different spaces and unconventional ...).
If these criteria are not met, and in all cases where the jury is satisfied that the works selected have the characteristics to be represented, Art and Party will be limited to the text give the best mere mention and a symbolic award, in addition, where the text to be staged, the company realized that the show will have the right to make any necessary changes to adapt (cuts and reductions included), both in relation to the potential workforce of the company itself, both in relation to the idea directors.
8) The text must be received no later than February 28, 2011, by e-mail as an attachment in Word format and in pdf format. (Name and title of the attachments must be the same) at the following address: arteparte@live.it
The text should be accompanied (in Word format attached) by:
- copy of the participate successfully completed IN ALL ITS PARTS;
- short CV of the author (maximum 15 lines)
- a brief presentation of the work by the author or of the authors.
For works created by two or more authors, send a registration form for each.
E 'can request the registration form at arteparte@live.it
9) A copy of the development and application form must be submitted in paper form, not later than February 28, 2011 (as confirmed by the postmark) to:
Cultural Association Arts & Part
Verena Nigro
Via E. Toti, 23-84050 - Laureana Cilento (Salerno)
10) For every work is required a contribution to costs of the secretariat of € 5.00 + € 5.00 for the purchase of a membership card Art Party and, to be paid in a manner to be communicated by the Secretariat and Arts Party.
11) Papers should not exceed 18,000 characters (including spaces) distributed over a variable number of sides A4.
The first side should bear full name of the author.
In the event that an author recognizes particularly relevant to the theme elaborated its length of just over, can make a reasoned request for acceptance to the competition secretariat.
12) The playwright will not be returned.
13) All papers that conform to this Regulation and sent by the deadline will be assessed by a panel of experts in the cultural sector. The jury's decisions are final.
14) The results of the evaluation will be published on http://arteparte.blog.tiscali.it and will be notified via e-mail to authors.
15) Participation at the "Take me to the theater" means:
- the full and complete acceptance of these rules;
- granting exclusive, royalty-free, the Cultural Association "Art Party" to the right publications and representations of the text .
16) The winner will be required to participate, not mandatory, the opera, which will be communicated via e-mail at least 10 days before that.
17) This announcement will be advertised through the press, through the website http://arteparte.blog.tiscali.it and press releases to major websites and magazines.
18) All interested parties may request a copy of this announcement and the application form by sending an email to arteparte@live.it
19) This contract is subject to change at any time that will be posted on the blog http://arteparte.blog.tiscali.it
20) The personal data of participants who did not win will not be disclosed to third parties. The Cultural Arts Association and the Party will include email addresses in your mailing list to send cultural information. Those interested can apply at any time, the immediate cancellation of their data.
Personal data of the winner / winners will instead be used for the sole purpose of publishing and promoting any theatrical script.


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