Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Sister New Born Baby Sms


Also in the issue of Cabbage ( CABBAGE tile ) Another recipe that I had turned the head of cabbage rolls, the inevitable, because with a cabbage what you usually do? The rolls! But filled with what?

meat? No. ..
Fish? Mmmmmm ... not bad mah ... but if there was the rice? Siiiii! Rice, Rice with Gorgonzola and walnuts? Let ...
So I started tinkering in the kitchen, I wanted to make a dish will be recalled that the cannelloni with the bechamel and baked in the oven, but at home there was not even the shadow of milk , then I think to make a sauce and tomato gratin anyway.

The result is ... well, it seemed to be the "cannelloni on Sunday" but made his beautiful picture!

8 cabbage leaves (cooked by steaming or boiled)
rice (5 cups)
gorgonzola dolce
40 g. Walnut
grated Parmesan
75ml tomato sauce
olive oil
vegetable broth
white wine

Cook the cabbage to steam or boil for a few minutes.
Prepare a risotto cooks the rice in a pot with a little olive oil, toast and sprinkle with a little white wine to cover with the broth and proceed as a normal risotto. Chop the walnuts and the end of cooking to incorporate them together with gorgonzola and a knob of butter.
The risotto should be al dente because then be baked.

Prepare the sauce. Sauté the leek in frying pan with oil, add the tomato and a sprinkle of sugar.

Spread the cabbage leaves and arrange on each a bit of a risotto, seasoned with Parmesan cheese and roll up. Arrange the rolls in a baking dish, cover with the sauce and sprinkle with cheese and bake for 20 minutes.

arrivasi that I could not wait the 13 days, to be able to participate in these rolls,
to contest MTC January !
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