Monday, January 3, 2011

How To Use Vitamin E Capsule On Face

TIMBALE of mushroom crepes

I have never forgotten that pie crepe that made me enjoy my aunt Flora ...

I still remember what it was smooth, every bite I closed my eyes to hear all the ingredients well and once or done with the vegetables, the other with meatballs, what I like most is the one with the mushrooms.

It is important to find the right recipe for the batter of pancakes ... I I've tried a lot but I finally got it right, and then, serves both for the recipes for those sweet and salty!

recipe for 13/15 crepe
500 ml of milk
225 grams of flour
3 eggs
35 g.di butter (but not melted hot)
a pinch of salt

Then, whisk milk, eggs, flour, a pinch of salt and butter . Ends in a pan while anointing them with a little oil. When hot pour a little batter and rotate pan to cover the bottom with a thin layer. I cook one minute more or less side by turning with a spatula. As you are ready impilatelo the one above the other, I use a round container with lid so if I put forward in the fridge and maybe do some version ... sweet!

used for the filling:
mushrooms to taste, to taste, I I mixed both those fresh (and porcini mushrooms) and the dry (nails), to be soaked for 2 hours and washed well!
1 medium potato, diced
in a pan with some extra virgin olive oil, cook the mushrooms diced or sliced \u200b\u200band cooked with a clove of garlic, then remove it after cooking. Add the potatoes peeled and cut in small cubes. Once cooked mushrooms mix them with 3 / 4 parts of white sauce and begin to make like a lasagna in a baking dish put a layer of pancakes and a mushroom, a little grated parmesan cheese and another layer of pancake, and so on ...
Finally, cover the pan with the rest of white sauce, Parmesan cheese and bake for another 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees.


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