Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ideas For A Male's 79 Birthday

MILES is better! Pappardelle and

So, running a photo with their cell phone and on ... (With Kiara), but it's worth to show you what I ate today at lunch in the office ... !
Easy to make, healthy, very healthy indeed! Mile pumpkin, broccoli and mushrooms with sautéed. The effect is simply transformed effect schiscetta "but makes his figure!


leek broccoli (cooked)
porcini (in oil)

How to make a risotto. .. in a pot with oil, soften the leek and pumpkin into small pieces, pour in the mile ( * ) previously washed, mix and cover with plenty of hot water, stir occasionally and check for salt. The cooking will be more or less 20 minutes, if needed add water.
Let stand. While in the pan skip bits of Mushroom (my parents were in oil, very good ... Christmas present!) and already cooked broccoli.
Take a container, in this case a "schiscetta" on the bottom and pour the sautéed ingredients, pour over the mile and the Parmesan cheese over again! Once you need, is to reverse this goodness ... Today I am very sodisfatta also because my "sore" said Siiiii!

( * ) The miles is a very ancient grain, a native of ' East Asia Center does not contain gluten! Excellent for those suffering from stomach acidity ( is the only cereal to " alkalizing effect") .
It is very important that before cooking the mile is washed with water and very cold, and after it passed through a colander to drain.


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