Saturday, January 29, 2011

Diffrence Between Second And Foreign Language

not cluttered ... indeed! TORTELLINI

This time I was obsessed with cauliflower and going to visit the " ziopiero trouble with his" I've seen! The recipe I was expecting. Some will say "stranna, Vanali does not seem nothing more, but I assure you that anger is at the table!
fairy Already a couple of times, and always the same result: "More!" Any more?! "

And well, I read the story of how this recipe was born in the mind of ziopiero, and I wanted to laugh as tied to the situations and came out this combo! What kind ...!
I saw that I had the ingredients at home, in the end it was easy, expeditious, try the SIII!
But I did not have everything in place ... no snails, shells, however, I (and I think that could be consoled relatives ...) And then this so I found a decent use for that beautiful scatoleta mackerel taken in Spain this Christmas. You know, sometimes I do, I like to see a baratolo or a box of cool logos or colors brilliant and I buy it, no matter what it contains, professional bias?

SHELL VERSION ( and white cabbage)

1 cauliflower 3 medium carrots
1 can of mackerel (in olive oil)
curry to taste
... and the pasta? I tested the shells and big props

Do in cauliflower buds, wash and boil them. While in a pan with some extra virgin olive oil and brown the carrot, peeled and cut into slices and then in half. Remove the cabbage when cooked and set aside the cooking water used to cook pasta.
Skip the cauliflower in the pan with the carrot, squash, and add a little curry powder to taste. The following pay mackerel ( * ), devoid of oil, mix and extinguish the fire. pasta e. .. try it!

VERSION bow (and kale)

( * ) The mackerel reduces cholesterol, stimulates the system inmuntario, antiinfiamatorio effect, strengthens the mind, makes the arteries rings, e. .. another Migliardo of more things!
here now ... not cluttered mackerel ... indeed!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Boots Slippery On The Bottom

salad, potatoes and cheese flan

There you ever take more than the salad you can eat? Of that already cut and washed, ready to serve, that if not eaten within 2 days goes bad?
and ... well, I saw in two envelopes. I had guests, so many, and little time to shop and think about the menu! So the salad was the last of my thoughts, (unfortunately, in winter there is always this way ... your salad the most value when it comes to the weather).
And well ... suddenly I see it, was there, all nice package that made me a wink, with leaves of different colors, at least 3 types of ... nothing I press!
The dinner went very well, so that no one had room for the poor salad!

Logically, the next day there was salad for lunch and dinner, and once finished the first bag, I looked at each other with the face of challenge:
"I do not eat raw, you stir-fry. "
And so it was with a bit of leek and potato salad has become my stuffed tortellini of my first!
But what I like the homemade pasta!! This time I tried and I ventured with this pasta ...

For the dough
200 g. flour
water and salt

a varied bag of salad (already washed)
1 medium potato (peeled)
30 g. grated pecorino cheese
a handful of chopped leek

To season
1 cup of soy milk
1 tablespoon of the stuffing (made by)
A bit of curry

Skip all in the pan with extra virgin olive oil (salad varied, chopped leek and potato grated) salt. Once cooked remove to a source by keeping a spoon.
Add the cheese and mix. The filling is ready!

For the pastry, mix the flour with water and salt. Roll out the dough (I have to crank the car!)
make a square 8 x 8 cm. and put a bit of filling in the center (Fig. 1)
2 folded in half creating a triangle (Fig. 2)
3 pass to seal the wheel size pasta (photo 3)
4 fold the two points outer triangle and stick (picture 4)

For seasoning, pour the soy milk and the stuffing kept aside in a bowl and mix in a pan and add the curry to thicken while in a pot with boiling water, cook the tortellini. Escolar and season!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Celebrations Chocolate Nutritional Info

Cilento Cilento. Memorial Day, the memory of the Holocaust begins Campaign to Free

Cilento. Memorial Day, the memory of the Holocaust begins campaign

Planned in the province a series of events. The figure still in vogue back diPalatucci Initiatives to women Holocaust
• CAMPAIGN. It winds along the thread of memory, which is based on the testimony of survivors of persecution and the documents produced to depict the horror news, the series of events organized in the province of Salerno, at the "Day of Remembrance" to be held tomorrow. The leitmotif of many dates will be the warning: "Do not forget" the atrocities of the Holocaust produced by the persecution that the Nazis inflicted not only Jews but also to many other ethnic minorities. The same that Soviet troops palpable when the Red Army, 27 January 1945, they discovered the concentration camp at Auschwitz and liberated the few survivors. • In the province many events were centered on the role played by the internment camp in rural areas, sorting deported from Southern Italy that were transferred to concentration camps in Europe. In this issue engages the initiative of the University of Salerno. Today at 15 in the theater of the university will be a screening of the documentary Giustina Laurenzi "A different story. The Jews in Country 1940-1943". The movie will be retraced the history of the Country field - worked from June 40 until September 8 '43 - Identified by the then prefect of Salerno Bianchi as suitable place to intern opponents of the fascist regime. Campaign is tied hand in glove to the character of John Palatucci superintendent of the River, thanks to the cooperation of local people, managed to prevent the deportation of five thousand Jews by making them come to the countryside where living conditions were more humane. And always in the Country field, but this time giving the initiative a cut sociological rather than historical, are discussed in the conference to be held tomorrow at 9.30 am in the council of the Municipality of Campaign, organized by the CGIL, called "The evil and the writing that tells it. " The appointment is part of the project "Women and the Holocaust" which focused on the specificity of women in the Holocaust. Women devoted a section of the memorial museum, was built on the camps. • A number of initiatives on the Shoah, also will also be held in Nocera Inferiore and Cava. A Nocera, the association "Arci Uisp Antonello Simeon" organized the screening of a film series that will have as their main theme the genocides carried out in various parts of the world and always will be screened at 19, in the municipal library of Nocera. The first film that you can attend will be tomorrow, "Randa Hotel," which will deal with genocide involving Hutu and Tutsi. On February 3, will be screened "The Lark Farm" of the Taviani brothers, Feb. 10 "Mission" by Joffe and February 17 "stolen generation" of Noyce. A Quarry Committee "Settimia Spizzichino" Friday at 20.30 in the town theater has organized a musical evening with the group "Daltrocanto" in Salerno, to remember the Spizzichino, the only Jewish woman survived Auschwitz.

Ideas For A Male's 79 Birthday

MILES is better! Pappardelle and

So, running a photo with their cell phone and on ... (With Kiara), but it's worth to show you what I ate today at lunch in the office ... !
Easy to make, healthy, very healthy indeed! Mile pumpkin, broccoli and mushrooms with sautéed. The effect is simply transformed effect schiscetta "but makes his figure!


leek broccoli (cooked)
porcini (in oil)

How to make a risotto. .. in a pot with oil, soften the leek and pumpkin into small pieces, pour in the mile ( * ) previously washed, mix and cover with plenty of hot water, stir occasionally and check for salt. The cooking will be more or less 20 minutes, if needed add water.
Let stand. While in the pan skip bits of Mushroom (my parents were in oil, very good ... Christmas present!) and already cooked broccoli.
Take a container, in this case a "schiscetta" on the bottom and pour the sautéed ingredients, pour over the mile and the Parmesan cheese over again! Once you need, is to reverse this goodness ... Today I am very sodisfatta also because my "sore" said Siiiii!

( * ) The miles is a very ancient grain, a native of ' East Asia Center does not contain gluten! Excellent for those suffering from stomach acidity ( is the only cereal to " alkalizing effect") .
It is very important that before cooking the mile is washed with water and very cold, and after it passed through a colander to drain.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Dog Has A Wart On His Lip


found them on my desk in the office, around the Christmas holidays. As if by magic, appeared there in front of my mac, without a ticket, with no clue ... Who was the gentle soul of that beautiful gesture? I was excited, as if it were a secret admirer. They were no flowers, no jewelry, and perfume, but well you two packs of my favorite brand of whole wheat pasta!
Then I thought about someone I know well, who knows my tastes, and after a few questions here and there I came to the office of my "sore" (my colleague of meatballs apples & curry ) ...

pappardelle These, I saved for a special day but then I realized that there is always something special, and when I enter the kitchen (our house is almost an open space ... !) the desire to create and surprise my husband and myself, is stronger than anything!
Among the cookers are happy, and be happy and make happy someone is very special !!!!!

Pappardelle full ( Garofalo )
extra virgin
50ml. vegetable cream

Boil or steamed broccoli, separated into small peaks.
Toast in a pan of sunflower seeds and set aside.
Cook pasta, 8 minutes, time to drain the broccoli and cook them in a pan, then add the vegetable cream. Unstick the dough and mix it with the broccoli, add half of the seed mix and serve with the addition of other seeds on!
Why not, a little grated parmesan cheese!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Am Receiver Tuning Calculations

... {I EDIT YOU! }

This post to thank and to congratulate Barbara
of Barbara Photography
... inspired by e-mail he received with questions about post-production, color filters and so on, has created a 'initiative amazing! ... I edit you !
I will share with us!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Hook Up A Mid Speaker With A Sub

Certosa in the day of your birthday

Free Certosa in the day of your birthday

The Superintendence for the BAP of Salerno and Avellino adheres to the promotion of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture, the art makes you good wishes, a gift that MiBAC intends to offer as an invitation to spend day of celebration to discover our unique cultural heritage.
the Certosa di San Lorenzo in Padula will be allowed free entry to all those who will visit on the day of their birthday.
The promotion consists of a free pass for Italian citizens and EU European cultural spots in the state on their birthday, by showing an identity card at the box office.
Where's birthday coincides with the closure of sites, the free ticket will be valid for the day following the closing.
categories already received benefits will receive a free ticket for a companion who does not enjoy the same benefits.
The promotion is part of the initiatives undertaken to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, with the awareness that our cultural heritage is a strong bond of pride and national patriotism.

Start Date: January 1, 2011
End Date: December 31 2011
For information: 0975 77 745
Location: Padula, Certosa di San Lorenzo

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Denise Milanionline Stream

salmon fillet crusted rolls

As usually happens when I go to the market, go crazy with the smells and murmugli of the people and the chanting of street vendors.
Giro, as if it were held around the stalls of fruit and vegetables, meats and cheeses and those of the fishmongers ... and this time I fell in love shrimp and salmon fillets!
And it is true that lightning is dangerous, that the sight and smell is not everything, but they are very impulsive and stubborn and when something I like, I like it!

need ...
Rottole a pastry
400 g. salmon fillet 1 large potato

7 shrimp
leeks into
sesame seeds and poppy
a large spoon of sugar cane
a shot cognac
extra virgin

Peel the shrimp, remove the skin from the salmon.
Peel the potato and cut into thin slices 5mm or so in a fry pan with oil until it is cooked inside and golden outside.
In the same pan, if you need to ADD more oil and cook the leek, then cut into rounds agiungere the prawns, blanch and pour a shot of Brandi, blend and pour the sugar and caramelize for another 2 minutes and set aside.
In the same pan, taking advantage of the caramel, Scott, but Pocci, the fillet of salmon on one side and on the other. I dived the fillet in half to be more comfortable after avolgere to the dough.

Wait until everything is warm, not hot, or you may pierce the dough!
At this point spread calms the pastry on a baking, place a layer of potatoes, another of shrimp and leek and over the salmon. Close the pastry and untar with del'olio thereby stop and sprinkle sesame seeds and poppy seeds. bake for 20 minutes until the pastry is almost golden.
(My oven is than traditional ones, with no fan, so, for example using a brown minutes the grill ...)

Rottole This may be a second and why not as finger food!
I would introduce myself with this salmon recipe contest " Mr. Salmon " of The reindeer in the kitchen!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Sister New Born Baby Sms


Also in the issue of Cabbage ( CABBAGE tile ) Another recipe that I had turned the head of cabbage rolls, the inevitable, because with a cabbage what you usually do? The rolls! But filled with what?

meat? No. ..
Fish? Mmmmmm ... not bad mah ... but if there was the rice? Siiiii! Rice, Rice with Gorgonzola and walnuts? Let ...
So I started tinkering in the kitchen, I wanted to make a dish will be recalled that the cannelloni with the bechamel and baked in the oven, but at home there was not even the shadow of milk , then I think to make a sauce and tomato gratin anyway.

The result is ... well, it seemed to be the "cannelloni on Sunday" but made his beautiful picture!

8 cabbage leaves (cooked by steaming or boiled)
rice (5 cups)
gorgonzola dolce
40 g. Walnut
grated Parmesan
75ml tomato sauce
olive oil
vegetable broth
white wine

Cook the cabbage to steam or boil for a few minutes.
Prepare a risotto cooks the rice in a pot with a little olive oil, toast and sprinkle with a little white wine to cover with the broth and proceed as a normal risotto. Chop the walnuts and the end of cooking to incorporate them together with gorgonzola and a knob of butter.
The risotto should be al dente because then be baked.

Prepare the sauce. Sauté the leek in frying pan with oil, add the tomato and a sprinkle of sugar.

Spread the cabbage leaves and arrange on each a bit of a risotto, seasoned with Parmesan cheese and roll up. Arrange the rolls in a baking dish, cover with the sauce and sprinkle with cheese and bake for 20 minutes.

arrivasi that I could not wait the 13 days, to be able to participate in these rolls,
to contest MTC January !
MTChallnge- banner

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sample Wording Wedding Welcome Letter


Association Cultural Arts and Part "
the index
The Theatre Writing Award
for best dramatic text

PRIZE: The winning entries will be staged.

1) The competition is open to all, regardless of age.
2) The competition aims to:
- reviving the interest in forms Italian drama of the writing;
- encouraging the spread of languages \u200b\u200bof the theater, especially among the younger generations;
- give life to a drama workshop in which aspiring young actors put selected scene in the play.
3) The competition aims to select the best opera, in Italian, original and unpublished. The author is given complete freedom to choose the kind of theatrical themes.
4) The work will provide 4 to 6 people, including at least two men.
5) The work must be in Italian, the original and ever staged.
6) The prize for first place is the representation of the work by the Cultural Association "Art Party", Cilento.
7) The prize will be awarded only if the processed selected by the Jury will meet certain criteria typical of a contemporary theater essential (eg the possibility of staging focuses on capacity actorial, then setting a minimum and not decisive, a small or a total absence of effects - such as theater lights - adaptability to different spaces and unconventional ...).
If these criteria are not met, and in all cases where the jury is satisfied that the works selected have the characteristics to be represented, Art and Party will be limited to the text give the best mere mention and a symbolic award, in addition, where the text to be staged, the company realized that the show will have the right to make any necessary changes to adapt (cuts and reductions included), both in relation to the potential workforce of the company itself, both in relation to the idea directors.
8) The text must be received no later than February 28, 2011, by e-mail as an attachment in Word format and in pdf format. (Name and title of the attachments must be the same) at the following address:
The text should be accompanied (in Word format attached) by:
- copy of the participate successfully completed IN ALL ITS PARTS;
- short CV of the author (maximum 15 lines)
- a brief presentation of the work by the author or of the authors.
For works created by two or more authors, send a registration form for each.
E 'can request the registration form at
9) A copy of the development and application form must be submitted in paper form, not later than February 28, 2011 (as confirmed by the postmark) to:
Cultural Association Arts & Part
Verena Nigro
Via E. Toti, 23-84050 - Laureana Cilento (Salerno)
10) For every work is required a contribution to costs of the secretariat of € 5.00 + € 5.00 for the purchase of a membership card Art Party and, to be paid in a manner to be communicated by the Secretariat and Arts Party.
11) Papers should not exceed 18,000 characters (including spaces) distributed over a variable number of sides A4.
The first side should bear full name of the author.
In the event that an author recognizes particularly relevant to the theme elaborated its length of just over, can make a reasoned request for acceptance to the competition secretariat.
12) The playwright will not be returned.
13) All papers that conform to this Regulation and sent by the deadline will be assessed by a panel of experts in the cultural sector. The jury's decisions are final.
14) The results of the evaluation will be published on and will be notified via e-mail to authors.
15) Participation at the "Take me to the theater" means:
- the full and complete acceptance of these rules;
- granting exclusive, royalty-free, the Cultural Association "Art Party" to the right publications and representations of the text .
16) The winner will be required to participate, not mandatory, the opera, which will be communicated via e-mail at least 10 days before that.
17) This announcement will be advertised through the press, through the website and press releases to major websites and magazines.
18) All interested parties may request a copy of this announcement and the application form by sending an email to
19) This contract is subject to change at any time that will be posted on the blog
20) The personal data of participants who did not win will not be disclosed to third parties. The Cultural Arts Association and the Party will include email addresses in your mailing list to send cultural information. Those interested can apply at any time, the immediate cancellation of their data.
Personal data of the winner / winners will instead be used for the sole purpose of publishing and promoting any theatrical script.