Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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Acquara allocates funds for young entrepreneurs

The BCC Acquara allocates funds for young entrepreneurs in the Cilento
Keeping young people deserve more willing to invest in their own country, to include in the territory brilliant guys with good business ideas to allow under 33 to become protagonists of their own future. With these objectives, the Cooperative Credit Bank of Aquara presented its "Operation Ulysses" that allows hundreds of young people to develop the territory of Salerno birth their business ideas. The initiative was welcomed by over three hundred participants at the public meeting in Paestum. Among many recent graduates who have decided to stay in Salerno to start entrepreneurial activities and that Anthony Marino, director general of the BCC Aquara said even the application form useful to access funding for projects that may be required on all productive sectors or business if it is demonstrated that can generate income and employment in the territory in which the bank chaired by Louis Scorziello. The loan can be for a maximum of seven years and ranges from 10 thousand to 50 thousand euro, with a 6m Euribor (360) + 2 percent which is equal, on 15 October, to 3.22 percent. Rate set to fall to around 2 percent with the help of the Chamber of Commerce of Salerno declared that, through the Secretary acting Raffaele De Sio, available to take charge of at least one per cent of the amount due from the applicant's legal the interest on the loan. And thanks to the intuition of the Bcc Aquara of the Chamber of Commerce will expand the pool of "Ulysses Project" to the entire province of Salerno. "The amount we have available is three million euro. We have decided to fund the ideas coming from the territory, in the style of our Bcc Aquara that always enhances the talents for the advancement social and economic development in the area of \u200b\u200bSalerno. - Explained the director Anthony Marino - The Bank also connects young people to finance the current account, an account fee and no benefit with free access to the Internet banking service. And as further attention, because we believe in who applies to develop new business initiatives related to the reality of the local area, we will work on free tutoring companies in their start-up phase. "And by the end of February, as earlier this month at all locations Aquara of the Bcc, including at the door being opened in the industrial zone of Salerno, Confidi Lombardy Provinces will ensure up to 80 percent of the amount financed in order to allow even to young people without collateral to access funds to develop productive activities. The Lombardy Provinces is confident he assured, in short, an agreement that will reduce the guarantee fees to 0.8 per cent (usually for start-up is 1.2 per cent).

source: cilentonotizie.it


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