Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Lip Piercing Has A Lump Beside The Inside Hole

15 minutes ... when the bacon is a Walnut ...

Last Thursday, after returning from the office ... fast, fast, because if it's half-hour meeting between the condominium. But those who remembered him!?
I have nothing ready, the fridge is the Desert of the Tartars!
to help me skip the bacon, already opened yesterday evening, a single eggplant for two days and 5 nuts that are dancing alone in the basket of dried fruits!

wash the pot, pan the two dishes from the two forks and two glasses.
I brush my teeth and go to the meeting ... uff-time!

5 slices of bacon
5 nuts
extra virgin
grated cheese (or not ...)

Put water on to boil. In a pan with extra virgin sofrigere a bit of leek and cook the eggplant, peeled and cut in very small cubes. Throw spaghetti. Cut the bacon into strips and stir-fry with eggplant when they are already almost cooked. Break walnuts into pieces to make them, always jump in the pan with the bacon and eggplant. Drain the pasta, pour into the pan, stir and serve! If you enjoy, even with a little cheese over, why not!.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Philishave 825 Replacement Razor Blades

A Marriage as a few! (In a casserole!)

I love vegetables and this is understood. I love to make up with what I have at home and this has got my husband ... I love the colors and flavors more extravagant ... and have figured this out my friends. I love cook because it relaxes me and satisfies me and fills me with joy to see them eat my food and be like ... and this? This I understood it myself!

experiencing Then, I picked up my new and beautiful white porcelain cocottine I know so much ceremony, I do not know why. Then I thought of a marriage, the marriage of fennel and pumpkin ... He dressed in white with green shoes and hair, her whole orange with a thin layer of golden onion ... if you were married would not throw rice at the exit of the pan but well, sunflower as a wish of good health, and raisins to sweeten the rest of their life together. Then, as tradition dictates, "wet pumpkin pumpkin lucky" the rain was a real grated parmesan cheese.
(very nearly, this is the story of our marriage, right Leo?)
Claudia (Clodette, Claudina or Lisa, we give them different names ...) I was present when these baked casserole gardeners (and so was at our wedding! Not for nothing is one of our six witnesses! ) and thus found itself at the table with us, taste, and she was the victim of: "I do expect the picture!" ".. No! Move your glass ... no better way ... no, I do not like the shadow of a bottle of barbera ..." is so, move the towel! Done! "
vaiiiii E! At least you eat!

The ingredients for this marriage in casserole (2):
5 fennel (I tried with zucchini, very good, but I did not do my damn!)
300g. Pumpkin (I take the whole pumpkin, I used just over 1 / 4)
1 / 2 onion (like gold)
20g. Sunflower
20g. raisins
grated Parmesan breadcrumbs

half a glass of champagne or white wine
extra virgin olive oil salt

Wash the fennel, cut the "handles" and something of a "sit" them in slices from 1 cm.
Remove the skin and make the piece of pumpkin slices 1 / 2 inch.
Grease casserole with olive oil and lay the slices of one and the interplay or even no, (I have tried in ambitious ways, but it sounds better) and salt.
Sprinkle sunflower seeds here and there, same with the raisins and thin slices of onion.
Season with a little olive oil and a drizzle of champagne or white wine.
spolvorata And finally a breakdown of grated parmesan cheese.
bake for 45 minutes, if needed gratin for a couple of minutes ... time for a ceremony!
(although remember that our lasted less was more time waiting for the arrival of my in-laws!)

With this recipe, "ceremonial" I want to participate in the contest " All in cocotte "by Imma

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pokemon Soul Silver Patch Mac

MANDONGUILLES samfaina amb ... ie, meatballs with sauce and traditional Catalan

" The days pass quickly, "the hours pass more quickly when you're having fun" and "the return journey and always heavier and sad to go ...". Phrases that certainly we have said or thought sometimes. But there is another phrase, which to me is habitual:
"But the balls are already finished!?"
It can do a ton, I can do both, but always a few! And if the accompagnatte samfaina, what about ...? And the most popular sauce from my family, the magic word was "mandonguilles amb samfainaaaaaa!" And all six, as if by magic, we were sitting at the table!

My mom was the one who had mandonguilles show. I shall automatically be named "official taster of meatballs" (and not only ...!) And in the kitchen when you brown the meat balls girondolando waiting around for her I did taste one, then another, and was a 'else again!
The meatballs to MTC, "mandonguilles" introduce them to you for your mouse to slow down the "go" I thought that this would last longer in the pot, the intention was good, oh, well ... I will flat spiral wooden fork, the result always the same:
"But the balls are already finished!?"

20 Mandonguilles :
400 g. lean minced calf
1 egg
3 slices of sliced \u200b\u200bbread (soaked in milk)
35 g. grated Parmesan cheese
some dried mushrooms to your taste
(soak for 30 ')
a garlic parsley

extra virgin

In a large bowl beat egg, add the meat and mix. Pour cheese, sliced \u200b\u200bbread, squeezed and crumbled, the same with the mushrooms, then the salt, pepper and parsley.
Knead the dough by adding breadcrumbs to . WALNUT make balls and fry in a pan with the oil turning them until they are cooked to golden brown. To remove the excess oil put them down on paper towels.
Garlic can opt for cheese and mix it well add flavor to the mix or where the oil fry the meatballs.

samfaina (family recipe):
2 eggplants
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
1 tablespoon of sugar cane
a glass of brandy
1 kilo of tomatoes
extra virgin

Clean the peppers of seeds and attaches inside and cut out the strips and then cut into cubes, put them to fry in a large skillet with the oil, and peel eggplant and even make them into cubes, pour into pan with the peppers that will be already half-cooked, you should definitely add more olive oil and salt, mix and when the eggplants are soft add the chopped tomatoes with a fork, a spoon of sugar and bake for 15 minutes, pour the brandy and let it evaporate. Cook again until the sauce thickens and the tomatoes start to lose water.

Mother brought to the table a huge pot, filled with so many meatballs in the sauce, we were 7! Then also served bread, very important, because making the shoe was inevitable ...

Usually this sauce, for us, accompanies several dishes and varies the region or dish with which it is served. This is the recipe Esteve !

on ! !

Navy Except Me With Herpes

Olympic Committee Padano
scarring in racial laws

invited the Ethiopian El Al Merd Borejk
Marathon Roots of the


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Zumba Do You See Results

SEA GARDEN layered inside the {} cocotte

I enjoy the layers. I enjoy these pie dishes, those lovely pieces that regono sun dial plate or in individual as well as dishes that are eaten directly from the casserole. I like to see the colors and ingredients, all, one above the other, accurate, with an order of my own but ... A fork or spoon after another ... mmmm ... I never get tired!
I discovered how easy and tempting to say nothing of making a good impression in the cocotte dishes from unique one-piece ...!
The dear Imma not know it yet, but his contest with "My cocotte" created a monster!

The recipe you see here is a combination of sea / garden, layers of colorful, delicate flavors and simple, but authentic and healthy as the dogfish, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and minerals such as phosphorus and iodine and a lot of vitamin A! Although there is fishing in the Mediterranean in the eastern Atlantic, here because of is usually frozen.

Then the recipe ...
3 medium potatoes
the stems of two sets of ribs (boiled)
3 slices of fish dogfish
tomatoes ( twenty)
few slices of stale bread
50 g. grated cheese
1 / 2 cup milk
extra virgin

Soak the stale bread in a dish filled with water.
Wash and peel potatoes, cut into slices less than an inch and cover the bottom of the pan, previously greased baking dish or casserole with a little olive oil. Season with salt and cheese.

another layer, place the stems of the coasts previously blanched in salt water, and another sprinkle of cheese.
Yet another, place the slices of dogfish *, thawed, salt.
Squeeze the bread, crumble into a bowl, pour the milk, parsley and remaining cheese, if it is too liquid add breadcrumbs, a little olive oil and salt, mix and cover with a layer of this mixture dogfish.

Last layer. Wash and dry the tomatoes, halve them and put them all over with salt, pepper and a drizzle of olive oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Bake at 180 degrees for 35/40 minutes.

not know about you but just looking at it makes me hungry!

* For every 100 grams of Palombo there are 80 Kcal. 1.3 g. carbohydrate, 1.2 g.grassi and 16.0 g of protein. I tried with the perch and I must say that there is super!

With this recipe I want to participate in the contest " All cocotte " by Imma

And I did it! Today the Internet works without any hiccups and I was able to download the banner of Eleanor to attend to his contest with this recipe of " unique dishes "

Spiderman Wrestling Shoes

final status



"Ananke - Social Promotion Association"

'constituted, established in Ceriale (SV), Concordia Street # 6, the Association of Social Promotion called "Ananke - Social Promotion Association" with an unlimited duration. It will serve as offices in other locations.

Association to promote the social, cultural and individual training is voluntary, democratic and has no purpose gain. It pursues the following purposes:
develop a different quality of life in the territories where they will work to protect the health of the individual and his environment;
promote social values \u200b\u200bof solidarity and participation, development of the individual-even a disabled - and his natural inclination to sociability;
promote solidarity economy and eco-friendly lifestyles through activities conducted with respect for the environment, promote recycling, energy conservation and voted to reduce emissions of CO2 and other pollutants
promote initiatives that encourage the development of individual creativity and expression and the local community.
The association may not engage in activities other than those mentioned above except those closely related or ancillary to the statutory ones, as integrated manner.
To better achieve its objectives the Association in the conduct of its business, may establish any form of connection, collaboration and partnerships with public and / or individuals who work with similar aims and methods.

The Association, in keeping with the aims of the article above, carry out socially beneficial activities. The activities are
carried out by members and members and the community through local initiatives, projects and events.
The Association achieves its aims through social activities, educational, cultural, informative and fun that are listed below but not limited to:
- a) information and cultural activities: the production of brochures, newspaper articles, videos, and platforms web services that develop the themes of recycling, energy conservation and consumer awareness and ethical, to protect man and Earth, taking care of the print edition and regular;.
- b) Fun activities: organization of festivals, concerts, performances and dinners ecological who spread the taste of hedonism friendly.
- c) Creative activities: promotion of artists, designers and artisans who use recycled materials to create works and / or everyday objects.
- d) social and educational activities and in favor of multicultural integration: Creating opportunities to meet, exchange and planning initiatives 'green' and in-depth nature, design, organization and realization of a chain of urban swap point dedicated to the exchange of objects used, creating a social network (the Internet) for the spread of barter, ethical consumption and sustainable life style, organization of theoretical and practical courses for eco-consumers, educators and students of primary and secondary schools.
- e) Activities to promote quality of life and health, to maintain both mental and to encourage the full expression of human potential.
- f) any other activities appropriate to achieve the purposes set out in the preceding article.
The Association to achieve its institutional goals, initiatives can promote and make occasional fund-raising business and manufacturing and ancillary equipment.
order to achieve the statutory objectives, the Association may find a network of spaces, premises and facilities in which to promote and develop projects, initiatives and events, also in collaboration with agencies and associations with similar intentions.
order to carry out these activities, the Association may also make use of professional services paid by members and non members.


The number of members is unlimited.
the Association is open to all, even those who have not yet reached the age of majority (represented properly according to law), without any distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, philosophical belief, of personal and social conditions, provided that there are irreconcilable by Art. 2 of this Statute.
members are divided into:
- charter members (those who have participated in the founding of the association);
- honorary members (those who are with the unanimous consent of the assembly are considered worthy of that distinction for the prestige they bring with their name to the association);
- full members (there are those who are eligible to participate in the group after the foundation.
The division of members of the association in these categories does not imply any difference in treatment between the members themselves in about their rights to the association. Each member, in particular, will be entitled to effective participation in the association.

To acquire the status of member of the "Ananke-Social Promotion Association" must be presented to the Board an application for admission in writing containing:
1) name, surname, date and place of birth, residence or domicile, the tax code and telephone number of applicant;
2) declaration of unconditional statute and guided by the deliberations of the governing bodies;
3) date and signature signed in the presence of at least two members proposing.
All the above requirements are required under pain of nullity of application for admission.

Applications for membership, even with the requirements in the regulations, are examined and approved unanimously at the discretion of the Board.

The resignation by a member should be in writing, without the obligation to state reasons, the Board has the duty to accommodate them.


members and their families, as long as the result of the first, have the right to participate in the activity Association.
All members have equal voting rights during meetings (whether ordinary or extraordinary), and may be elected to membership.

ART. 9 - DUTIES OF MEMBERS Members are expected
1) the payment of dues, the subscription is intrasmissibile and have not been adjusted.
2) compliance with this Statute and decisions of governing bodies;
3) compliance with any internal regulations;
4) to pay the outstanding shares decided by the governing bodies in addition to the support fund, except honorary members
5) to speak at the ordinary and extraordinary.

members are expelled for the following reasons:
1) failure to comply with the provisions of this Statute or of the resolutions duly taken by governing bodies, including those regarding payments of outstanding shares in addition to the support fund;
2) Failure internal regulations;
3) delinquency in payment of dues and outstanding shares regularly approved without just cause;
4) to have caused in any way, moral or material damage to the association.

advisers are revoked, in addition to the cases in art. 10 of this statute, even if which fail, without justification, in three consecutive meetings of the Board.

expulsions are decided by the Executive Council by an absolute majority of those present.
Applicants may appeal against deportation to the shareholders.

The Assembly is the body that decides readmission.
If members were expelled for arrears in payment of the fee, in addition to the application you need to pay a new fee, in case of positive decision on the readmission of the Assembly. If members have been expelled for arrears in the payment of an extraordinary proportion regularly deliberate action is necessary in addition to the payment of the fee itself, if it is greater than that of registration or registration fee, if more than one extraordinary event in a preliminary positive Assembly on readmission. FINANCIAL PROVISIONS

The Association has a common fund, which consists of movable and immovable property specified in the articles. The assets will be increased by the movable and immovable property that are received at the Association in any capacity, as well as from donations, inheritances and bequests expressly destined to the same heritage. The assets must be managed prudently observing risk, in order to preserve their value and obtain an adequate return.

For the pursuit of institutional goals, the Association has the following entries:
a) the fees and / or annual membership fees;
b) income and other income resulting from the conduct of activities institutional
c) the contributions of the state, public and private, of private persons;
d) donations, legacies, inheritances, donations and any other income not expressly intended to increase its capital;
e) the proceeds of sales of goods and services to members and third parties, including through the development of economic activities of commercial, craft or agricultural activities in an auxiliary and subsidiary and not aimed at achieving the objectives institutional
f) Return on shareholders.
In any case, the proceeds arising from the institutional activities can be divided, even in indirect forms, among the Members.

The financial year runs from January 1st to December 31st of each year. For each year a budget is prepared and a final budget to be approved within four months after the close of the previous year. The financial statements must be filed with the office of the association within fifteen days preceding the meeting called for their approval, available to all those who have motivated their interest in reading.
Any operating surplus will be used for institutional activities under this statute.

ORGANS OF ART. 17 - CORPORATE bodies Association

are 1) the Shareholders' Meeting;
2) the Board of Directors;
3) the Chairman of the Board of Directors; Vice President, Treasurer. The General Meeting

have the right to attend the voting all the members, who are regularly paid the annual membership fee. The Associate may delegate another member to represent him at the meeting. They can not be delegated to the Directors and the President. Each Member shall not represent more than one Associate.

19 - TASKS
The Assembly shall meet in ordinary session at least once a year within four months after the close of the fiscal year to approve the balance sheet and budget. Shareholders' meeting to elect members of the Board; outline the general guidelines of the association, to approve any internal regulations, when deemed necessary or upon request at least one tenth of the members motivated.
The first call of the Assembly is validly constituted with the presence of at least half of the Members, on second call, regardless of the number of participants.
Unless otherwise provided by law or this Charter, the Assembly majority of those present.
The Ordinary General Meeting convened by the President in writing, to which must be attached to the agenda. The meeting must take place, at least eight days before the session, by a notice posted at the same, the premises and any other appropriate order (postal letter, which was recommended by hand, e-mail, etc..) specifying the place, date and time of the meeting and whether the planned timetable for the second call.
The Assembly shall meet in extraordinary session:
- to amend the memorandum and Articles of Association;
- to approve the dissolution of the Association and the allocation of assets.
For amendments of the Constitution and statutes of the deliberations of the Extraordinary be validly adopted by the affirmative vote (by proxy) a majority of votes allocated, while the need affirmative vote of two thirds of the votes allocated (both first and second call) for the deliberations of the dissolution and devolution of property.
The convening of the extraordinary follow this practice: annexed to the notice must appear on the agenda, the meeting must be at least 15 days before the session, by mail or by posting the same on the premises of the registered specifying the place, date and time of the meeting and if the planned timetable for the second call.


The Governing Council is composed of to be chosen by the Assembly by a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 5 members elected by the Members Assembly. The Board members serve for three years and may be reappointed. In cases of death, resignation, permanent absence, disqualification of an adviser to the Assembly shall immediately replace it with another member who will hold office until the natural expiration of the Executive Council and may be reappointed. Should he fail the majority of the directors, the entire Board of Directors shall be deemed to have lapsed. The task of director is freely given, except for reimbursement of expenses, properly documented and authorized or ratified by the Board.

can not be appointed to the Board of Directors, and if appointed decade, those who find themselves in the conditions provided by art. 2382 of the Civil Code. Decade by the position of director who, without justification, no invitation for three consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors. Each director, had been informed of the cause of forfeiture, may request the President to convene the Board of Directors, whose job it is to pronounce the forfeiture, upon written complaint to the person of the grounds. Where a cause of decline hit the President, the request referred to in the preceding paragraph is addressed to the Vice President who shall exercise the powers conferred under the preceding paragraph, the President. The counselors perform their duties in the interest of the Association.

22 - TASKS
The Executive Council shall elect from among its members the President, the Vice President and Treasurer. The Board of Directors responsible for the ordinary and extraordinary administration and meet whenever the Chairman deems necessary or upon request of at least two directors.
The Board of Directors: determines the amount of annual membership, welcomes applications for admission of new members, the loss of acting as an Associate where verifies the arrearage or declares it unworthiness.
The Executive Council shall prepare the budget and the balance sheet, and the program's activities will be submitted for approval. The Board may delegate to the President any functions.

The Board of Directors shall be convened by the President by notice posted on the premises of the office or by notifying interested parties with details of the agenda.
Meetings of the Board are valid if the majority of the directors. The President shall direct the work of the Executive Council, which are officially recorded, transcribed, edited purpose of a Board appointed by the President on special records regularly numbered, too mechanized.
Unless otherwise required by applicable laws or this Charter, the resolutions of the Board of Directors are taken by majority vote of those present and in the event of a tie, the Chairman's vote.


The Executive Council shall elect, among the directors, a majority of those present, the President, the Vice President and Treasurer, who serve for three years and can be reappointed.

25 - TASKS
The President is the legal representative of the Association towards third parties and in court, sign the documents and as necessary for the explanation of the business are approved by the Board of Directors. The President oversees the smooth running of administration of the Association by the observance of the present Charter, and promote the reform, if it is deemed necessary.
The President shall convene and preside over meetings of the Executive Council and the Assembly of Associates overseeing the implementation of their resolutions and adopting, in cases of urgency, any appropriate measure, which will submit its ratification by the Board of Directors at the first meeting. Vested in the President all powers that the Board will decide to give it. In cases of death, resignation, revocation, permanent incapacity of the President, takes his place until the election the new President, the Vice President.
The Treasurer administers and is responsible for economic and financial entities of the Association.


26 - DISSOLUTION The dissolution of
, proposed by the Board of Directors, is approved by the Members, a majority of two thirds of the Members.
Total Assets remaining after liquidation will be donated to other non-profit social organizations, other associations of social promotion, or consultation with the Agency established by Prime Ministerial Decree of 26 September 2000, for the sake of social utility, unless otherwise required by the destination law. In
any case, the assets of the Association can not be devolved to Members, directors and employees thereof.

All matters not provided in this Statute shall apply, insofar as possible, the laws in force.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Imagenes De Pinkybigbooty

Romero and Juliet - The Half Marathon

Another success of the runners after the Al Zaia
Ethiopian Al Boreik
the Moroccan Algerian Joint thin linen
Ginojk Ballottaik El Bekejr
wins the 1 / 2 Half Marathon in Verona - in time stratanoiko
1 .36.57
the Pessidente Pappusetor and Sekkretario LeleVakk
sitting on the sofa cheering

Homemade Pep Rally Noisemakers

Boreik Verona wins

Sensational company of AlBoreik Mataoneta Ethiopian
nicknamed the Black Green of Lower Antelope
Padania Libera, the cry that Al Salam A Leikum,
did shine at the time of 3:55:11
more colors in the Al Zaia
classic Marathon Northerners "Verona"
Only 51 days of the solar
2011 he was awarded the prize

Man of The Year 2011

Indian Channel Frequency On Horbird

Manu + Faith = Sicily and pasta with swordfish

There are those evenings with friends, you are impressed, for the hospitality, friendship, and for the unforgettable taste for guitars and husbands "musicians" who shamelessly improvise their repertoire. Yes, a lovely evening, which for some time and try to repeat that the various tram- tram deny us the newspaper ... but I am convinced that there will be another soon!
I in the meantime, try not to stop, I promised my husband (after several petitions ), to try to make a delicious pasta that we had Manu and Faith, because I remember I also because I still remember the taste and because it reminds us all of Sicily concentrated in one corner of Milan.

Serves 2. ..
1 eggplant
250/300 g. swordfish
1 large spoon of pine nuts 1 tablespoon
great Uvet
11 tomatoes
half cup of white wine
extra virgin olive oil to taste.

In a large skillet, with the extra virgin olive oil, cook the eggplant (peeled seeds) and cut in cubes and seasoned with a little salt. While the cut also swordfish into cubes and set aside until the eggplants are cooked, soft beautiful. Fry the swordfish with a pinch of salt, it takes just 5 minutes ... put aside. In boiling salted water cook the pasta (10/11 minutes). Wash tomatoes, dry them and split them in half and saute in pan with pine nuts and raisins, add oil. Blend with a touch of white wine. After that, add the fish and the eggplant and mix.
Drain the pasta and pour into the pan, season to 2 minutes and serve hot!

Simple but unforgettable ... True Leo? (I know I read but not comment ...!)

ps: Cara Manu and Faith, maybe I forgot something, and maybe the steps are not so, but this pasta is now entered in my book ...
" recipes invented / given / traded / copy! "

C on this dish I participate in the contest " the sea in the pot " ; Valerio.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sample Letter For Priest


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Szafy Narożne Poznań

Literary Competition for Poetry and Short Stories - "swing thoughts"

Literary Competition for Poetry and Short Stories - "swing thoughts"

Cultural Association Nonprofit "Art Party" conducted every month, a small booklet folding "The Kite", printed on colored paper in A4 format and distributed throughout Italy to writers, libraries, bookstores and all members who request it.
This writing contest is open to all who love writing and wish to donate their works to the reading public through the publication of their writings on "The Kite" and the Official Blog of Art and Party ( ).
To enter the contest, simply send an e-mail info.arteparte @ a short story (maximum length 1000 characters including spaces) or poem (maximum length 16 lines).
In the same e-mail, bring the author's personal data: name, surname, date and place of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail and attach the following statement:
"I declare that the work entitled" ... "is my original creation. If my work was selected by the Group of A & P Read, "I pledge to pay its contribution of € 15.00 for the publication of the same on" The Kite ". I also consent to the use of my personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 19 6 30 June 2003. "
The 'Group of A & P Read", formed by young members of the Association Cultural and Arts Party "selects, among all the entries, those to be published on" The Kite ". The author selected will be notified, via e-mail, and will be provided with the procedures and time limit for payment of € 15.00 per share of the publication. It will also have to indicate how many and in what month the winning entry will be published.
The paper will be published in the: full name (or pseudonym, if applicable) and city of origin. The author may, if desired, also the publication, alongside the work of its contact e-mail.
Forty hard copies of "The Kite" will be sent to the address provided, the file formats. Pdf will be sent via e-mail and the Opera House will be published on the Official Blog of Art and Party ( ).
are considered "winners" only works published in "The Kite" and the Official Blog of Art and Party.

Cobra Walkie Talkies With Baby Listening Mode

Competition for works published - "soar"

Competition for works published - "soar"

Cultural Association Nonprofit "Art Party" conducted every month, a little folding booklet, "The Kite", printed on colored paper in A4 format and distributed throughout Italy to writers, libraries, libraries and all members who request it.
This competition is open to all those who love to write, who published a book and want to introduce their work to the reading public through the publication of the cover and a brief description of "the Kite "and on the Official Blog of Art and Party ( ).
To enter the contest, simply send an e-mail info.arteparte @ cover image formats. jpeg, a brief description (maximum length 700 characters including spaces) and the selling price of the Work for possibly purchasing methods.
In the same e-mail, provide the author's personal data: name, surname, date and place of birth, address, telephone and e-mail. At the same time send "Part of Art and Cultural Association Verena Nigro, Via E. Toti, 23-84050 Laureana Cilento (Salerno), an envelope containing a copy of the book devoted to the competition and attach the following statement:" I declare that the publication entitled "..." is my original creation. If my work was selected by the Group of A & P Read ", I agree to pay the charge for the publication of the cover and a brief description of" The Kite ". I also consent to the use of my personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 19 6 30 June 2003. "
The 'Group of A & P Read", formed by young members of the Cultural Art and Party "selects, among all the entries, those to be published on" The Kite ". The author selected will be notified, via e-mail, and will be provided with the procedures and time limit for payment of publication fee.
Quote Released:
1 month: € 15.00
2 months: € 25.00
3 months: € 40.00
It will then be notified Author in what number and what month the winning entry will be published.
The paper will be published in the: full name (or pseudonym, if applicable). The author may, if desired, also the publication, alongside the work of its contact e-mail.
The cover image will be reproduced on colored paper to print color. The colors vary independently from the cover of the Opera.
Forty hard copies of "The Kite" will be sent to the address provided, the file formats. Pdf will be sent via e-mail and the Opera House will be published on the Official Blog of Art and Party ( ).
are considered "winners" only works published in "The Kite" and the Official Blog of Art and Party.

Electric Box Stuck Level 40

Competition for works published - "soar"

Competition for works published - "soar"

non-profit Cultural Association Loss of "Art and Party" conducted every month, a little folding booklet, "The Kite", printed on colored paper in A4 format and distributed throughout Italy to writers, libraries, bookstores and all members who request it.
This competition is open to all those who love to write, who published a book and want to introduce their work to the reading public through the publication of the cover and a brief description on "The 'Kite "and the Official Blog of Art and Party ( ).
to participate the Competition, just send us an e-mail info.arteparte @ cover image formats. jpeg, a brief description (maximum length 700 characters including spaces) and the selling price of the Work for possibly purchasing methods.
In the same e-mail, provide the author's personal data: name, surname, date and place of birth, address, telephone and e-mail. At the same time send to the "Arts and Cultural Association of Part Verena Nigro, Via E. Toti, 23-84050 Laureana Cilento (Salerno)" an envelope containing a copy of the book devoted to the competition and attach the following statement: "I declare that the publication entitled" ... "is my original creation. If my work was selected by the Group of A & P Read ", I agree to pay the charge for the publication of the cover and a brief description of" The Kite ". I also consent to the use of my personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 19 6 30 June 2003. "
The 'Group of A & P Read", formed by young members of the Cultural Art and Party " selects, among all the entries, those to be published on "The Kite". The author selected will be notified, via e-mail, and will be provided with the procedures and time limit for payment of publication fee.
Quote Released:
1 month: € 15.00
2 months: € 25.00
3 months: € 40.00
It will then be communicated to the author in what number and what month the winning entry will be published.
The paper will be published in the: full name (or pseudonym, if applicable). The author may, if desired, also the publication, alongside the work of its contact e-mail.
The cover image will be reproduced on colored paper to print color. The colors vary independently from the cover of the Opera.
Forty hard copies of "The Kite" will be sent to the address provided, the file formats. Pdf will be sent via e-mail and the Opera House will be published on the Official Blog Arts & Part ( ).
are considered "winners" only works published in "The Kite" and the Official Blog of Art and Party.