Thursday, January 21, 2010

How Does A Man Ejactulate

a "Different" Contest Winners

Well done guys, especially for the effort .... good ....

The contest is more difficult, but it is increasingly difficult to choose the winners ....

especially when we take to blows between "masters" to decide ..... Then


No. 1 Valentina Bini

great, shooting stolen unprepared then "true" and descriptive of a strong diversity, not only for colors, so strong and conflicting with each other, but also for the position of the feet of two people with the kind of shoe and sock define a diversity of style, age, social status ....
A strong diversity in a "simple" special but leaves a lot to the imagination of the two subjects, the two people that the particular shows.
Looking at your picture you can imagine the age, style, the faces of the two subjects.
Congratulations! Rated


Valentina Bini

2nd place Mario Herchenbach

excellent image, again a step stolen and not prepared, excellent technique, "courageous" is in the shot for having presented it as the only image in the contest, it means, in addition to a photo a certain maturity believe in their work.
diversity in this case is not the only blonde girl in the midst of other people more, which is the first thing you notice, but particularly the three that go up the stairs and only one that goes down.
excellent choice of square cut that gives stability to move a picture, excellent and the choice of the setting, an office, a public place, it is not clear, but a cold place, like the colors you used, like cold and busy blur. A photo
cold, frantic, a bit 'sad, well that says a cross-section of our society. An image
very good and very "mature" rating


Mario Herchenbach

3rd place Ferrari Silvia

Image is well crafted, excellent viewpoint, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe beautiful diversity, strong image, with character, enhanced by square-cut and high-contrast black and white.
An image desired and sought.

rating 8

Silvia Ferrari

4th place Mark Create

Very nice, a real "street image" desired and sought after, difficult, easy, but at the same sophisticated way, not only for the diversity of the two still shots on a street where all "running", but mostly for the colorful display in a dark and gray, here's the real difference.
Here's what can make a trained eye to see and not just watching. Bravo

Rated 7.5

Marco Create

Super congratulations to all ... I'm really proud of you ...
Even if I write it is always the truth .... At the next

Contest !!!!! Hello


I close with a quote:

"There is artistic photography. In photography there, as in all things, people who know how to see and others do not even know
look." (Nadar)


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