Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Media-receiver Pioneer Pdp-r 03 E

They want the dead!

They want the dead! Who want to be the "revolutionary" frustrated by the loss of any consent and trained by their elimination seminars political opponents are almost normal. It is not normal, not usual, is not eligible, did not happen even in the seventies, what some supporters, protectors and accomplices of the Social Centers and frustrated by PRC are now doing.

not be permitted to leave readers compliant with the mob, the attackers, the dealers salaried by the parties, that certain national newspapers (Corriere della Sera, Repubblica) published. It is unlikely that you leave the university to expose blacklisting with names and photos of targets to hit, as happened on Monday morning. And this the day after a first series of assaults committed in Italy by the sudden appearance of seasoned various attacks on various targets. A grim scenario that repeats itself. Allowing all this means, just like thirty five years ago, the spiraling food stop instead.

that is not forgivable, thirty-five years later, a calculation for two-bit politician, there are those who, like Di Pietro, Giacomo Mancini traces the path of a wink to those who "kill a fascist is not a crime." Mancini repented, but it was too late. Peter might regret it but right now he has no excuse because he has before the eyes of the old saw blood in rivers because of the rising political cover terrorism that the socialist leader of the time, as the IDV of today, had been unable - or unwilling - to see. Serious, but paradoxically in the severity we have already gone beyond.

Rai At last night was aired a movie perhaps provided by your Student Block and were incredible set of still images on the Block Student students with the request: "Do you know who I am? What are their names? Where do they live? ". Since the block that has nothing to hide has provided many movies to the media, and as the faces and names of boys who are regular policy and require permits are known to police, this call can have no other effect than to warm the hearts of those who are already stirred up unconscious on the ground of anti-militant from the secretariat of a party that no longer has any political issue and will have no consequence if but to make it clear to those involved in the manhunt that has a cover articulated and disseminated.

If you do not stop them now will not take long to kill! Of course, as the first act will be prosecuted legally who uses television as a personal tool and puts at risk the safety of students, but not enough. We urgently need a firm stance on the part of journalists and parliamentary questions are essential.

Thirty years ago it was decided to let the fire burn but this time, fortunately, there are only arsonists. But a firefighter who sleeps in turn becomes arsonist. Do not underestimate the danger and delay do not get stuck! Neutralize the principals and just do it!

Gabriele Adinolfi


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Images Of Hair On Vegina

Rome, October 29 - (Adnkronos) - After the incidents today in Piazza Navona, Rome, Qty (Student Union) is urging the lifting of 'lock Student ", saying''the legitimacy of this association is not in the students' representative bodies which School councils and provincial councils of our students''.'' This request-report-already had been placed last year, the elections of provincial councils student, with a formal request submitted to the Ministry of Interior and Public Education. Block-student adds that the UDS-evidently and openly refers to fascism can not 'be recognized and legitimized. Block spokesman student, Francis Poles, it is clearly recognizable-ends-in photos of the clashes witnessed today.''


UdS the calls for the dissolution of our movement? Answer 37,000 students with raspberries democratically represented by the block to the Provincial Student of Rome, and with thousands of whistles that students in the Piazza Navona are facing today after their clumsy attempt to politicize the parade, as amply documented by our video at youtube


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Best Dslr Bag For Travel

Clash of press attacks on the Block Student during the student demonstrations in Rome



We can not help but express our solidarity against those who wanted to destroy the unity of the students so laboriously built.
Until yesterday, the event students included "blacks" and "reds" who marched together, united, to express their dissent. I can not help but think that behind these clashes there is a desire to politicize the event, wear a hat "left" in this context, pure and simple fear of the truth. In addition, the stroke of the press agencies in charging the Block Student of aggression, despite the pictures and video soon to obtain through internet contest this version, although most of the students reacted to the attacks with the cry "Neither Red nor blacks, only free-thinking, "allows us to think that there are those who want to breathe again the fire of the battle of youth, for to scuttle the just protests of the students behind the veil of "political debate" and be able to ignore their activities.
remain current in the words of Senator Cossiga in recent days, when called for the infiltration of agitators ready for anything in the student movement to raise the level of tension, and then provoke clashes with the police to intervene to disperse the protest with public support.
Here, have already begun.

Today October 29, at around 11, while the parade was held
student protest in the Senate, the boys of the block
Student have been loaded from would-be students antifascist a little too
get older, they wanted to exclude them from
event. Charges are to follow the protests around the
procession for this attempt to exclude a portion of students from
protest anti-Gelmini. Students in the square began
sing the chorus to "neither red nor free blacks only thoughts" for
condemn the incident of violence against the children of the block
student. "We reject this attempt to split the united front
students from some anti-fascist idiots" say the boys
Student Block.
premeditated aggression has left two students wounded boys of the block.
"Some agencies report the facts in a distorted manner, thereby charging
indeed a responsibility to Block Student" continue "but
movies we will publish on youtube and on facebook, only
free media, which as usually prove to be a reality in mind:
clashes between students and the divisions are fomented by
anti-fascists who do not accept that there is in the student protest generation units
among boys right and left. "
Around 12 Moreover, the boys of Block Student were
reloaded from a hundred anti-fascists organized
with sticks and helmets.
"Many of our wounded at the hands of anti-fascists"
the story took place under the astonished eyes of all students
Romans and many journalists. "The attempt to split the united front of students
excluding the Block Student
continues with a ferocity unheard by the anti-fascist" leaders are continuing
Block. "To split the face of students arrived
Berlusconi called for police, but the anti-fascist violence. "Cossiga

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Exbii Yogita Bali Boobs

O Rome or Death!

The idea to march in Rome had already been circulated by the legionaries Fiume, but also the Fascists had simulated a "march" to Ravenna, at the helm of Italo Balbo. The decision to march on Rome was taken during the gathering in Naples, October 24, 1922. They were chosen the commanders of the various columns (Perrone Comrades, Bottai and Igliori, commanded respectively by 4000, 8000 and 2000 Fascists, from Civitavecchia, Tivoli, and Monterotondo) and at the end of parade through the streets of the city Mussolini proclaimed: "Either the government or we will take it, falling on Rome.
On 27 October the Facta government resigns, while the Fascists begin the march towards. During the march without resistance take over the post office and telegraph, of great benefit to the connections of the various columns. Even the railway stations were occupied, allowing the fascists to "march" in the interruption of train lines.
In the night between 27 and 28 October, Facta asked the king to sign a state of siege, so as to trigger the Royal Army, but was refused. In fact, Vittorio Emanuele III heeded the advice of Federzoni, known nationalist, and General Armando Diaz, who proposed a deal with Mussolini.
Mussolini had been in Milan to await the development of events, and reached Rome in the night in a sleeping car. On October 28, presented himself to the King who gave him task of forming the government.
The government was formed October 30, 1922, while the teams marched through the city. The Government was composed of a coalition of fascists, nationalists, popular, democratic and social nittiani, Giolitti, salandrini, independent pro-Fascist. It was not a real coalition government, as Mussolini had not consulted the parliamentary groups, but had applied directly to individuals. Il Duce, as well as being Head of Government, assumed interim ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs. The fascists went ministries of Justice, Business of Worship, Finance, Treasury, Service and Pensions, free land. Secretary to the Prime Minister was appointed Acerbo, the author of the electoral law of 1924.
The Chamber voted confidence with 306 votes in favor, 116 against and 7 abstentions.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Maxi Mounds Vs Chelsea Charms


"The state can not occur only when he has to beat the guys occupying"

"We learn with dismay the statements of Silvio Berlusconi," said Gianluca Iannone national responsible Casapound ITALY, the movement of jobs to the right.

"Berlusconi said that the State will the State, or intervene with force against the occupation of schools is absolutely Casapound ITALY disconcerting that the state manifests itself only when you have to hit the kids who occupy the school or when necessary to save the banks who profit choking private citizens and businesses. "

Iannone goes "when necessary to save the airline, when Occor protect Italian companies and Italian workers from unfair competition from Chinese slave dictatorship, when you need to address the housing crisis in Europe more frightening when you have to hit the scourge of workplace fatalities , the rule mentioned by Mr Berlusconi does not occur, does not intervene, does not exist. "

" The state now occurs only when he has to perform an eviction, when she asks the taxes, when to complain about not having funds to hire temporary workers and apparently when it comes to removing students who apply only a decent education "says Iannone.

words to fight.